
OA Singapore Launches Family Enrichment Programs

In response to the need to foster closer family relationships, Olivet Assembly of Singapore launched a series of family enrichment programs recently, such as the parents-kids program, family support groups and family-focused seminars.

The parents-kids program that will be promoted widely in OA churches involves learning new skills together, family outings and family games and is anticipated to encourage more interaction between parents and their children through their time spent together.

Apart from that, family support groups that is being mentored by experienced couples will aim to promote healthy dialogues between parents, developing a better understanding of the needs of their children, while creating a conducive platform for parents to share their struggles and receive advices towards becoming better equipped parents.

In addition to these, a series of seminars that focuses on marriage and parenting will also be organized from time to time to equip singles, couples, parents-to-be or parents in response to the challenges of family life.

It is with hope that through the family enrichment programs, many families will grow close to each other to reflect the love of Christ to the communities around them.