

About Us

The OA Youth Ministry provides the younger generation, as well as those who wish to serve them, with scriptural studies, discipleship training, and opportunities for evangelism and service. Reaching the younger generation and building a network of campuses are crucial in evangelical mission around the world, as college is a crucial turning point and opportunity for individuals to respond to the calling of God.

As student life tends to be filled with temptations and secular activities, the WOA Youth Ministry hopes to raise leaders who can be the salt of the earth, purifying campuses and leading the lost generation with a collaborative, focused and purposeful outreach.

The Youth Ministry seeks to serve as a flexible platform for a wide range of collaboration, mutual learning opportunities and networking for the goal of bridging the generation gap and being the catalyst for a greater movement of Christians worldwide.


Knowing full well the power of the media to influence people, shape worldviews, and ultimately bring about change in society, the purpose of the Media Ministry is to utilize media and the men and women who use it to bring about positive changes and to draw people closer to the one who saves - Jesus Christ.

Carrying the hope for the next generation to serve as the leaders in the global Christian communities, the OA Youth Ministry is purposed to be an important channel for the youth and students, as well as those who wish to serve them, to grow as servants of Christ on campus and beyond, and further communicate and network with Christian ministries in various fields across the globe.

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Youth Evangelical Fellowship     
Apostolos Mission