I pray to God the Father everyday, Through the Son; With the Holy Spirit. When I deeply seek to know Him more, Then the voice of God, I know I hear it. He listens to my heartfelt prayers. He answers with caring and love. He never forsakes me; I’m never alone. He’s my Father from ..
Deuteronomy 6:4-5 (NIV) 4Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. 5Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. The Jewish people refer to this passage as the Shema. Jesus said it was the greatest of all the laws of God. He also ..
Towards raising church members with a firm conviction in the salvation of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God, Olivet Assembly of Singapore churches were recently urged to evaluate their education systems by considering several guidelines that are being proposed. Among the guidelines that ought to be considered include: 1. Set up small groups according ..
Desiring to be better equipped in personal study, evangelism and teaching, Olivet Assembly of Singapore held a Bible teachers’ training recently where current and aspiring teachers of member churches participated. The first lecture on personal study exhorted the teachers to revolve their lives around the Word by prioritizing the Scriptures as being God-breathed and developing ..
In response to the need to foster closer family relationships, Olivet Assembly of Singapore launched a series of family enrichment programs recently, such as the parents-kids program, family support groups and family-focused seminars. The parents-kids program that will be promoted widely in OA churches involves learning new skills together, family outings and family games and ..