Bible Teachers' Training Highlights Self Study, Evangelism & Teaching
Desiring to be better equipped in personal study, evangelism and teaching, Olivet Assembly of Singapore held a Bible teachers' training recently where current and aspiring teachers of member churches participated.
The first lecture on personal study exhorted the teachers to revolve their lives around the Word by prioritizing the Scriptures as being God-breathed and developing a habit of memorizing Bible verses. The inductive Bible study method was also introduced to encourage a deeper meditation of the Word.
Using the conversation between Jesus and the Samaritan woman as a model, the subsequent lecture on evangelism challenged the teachers to cross the boundary of fear by firstly praying to meet the prepared persons of evangelism, to be humble in taking the first step in initiating the conversation, to listen patiently and challenge at the appropriate opportunity before eventually guiding them to receive Christ as their Savior through committing to a systematic study of the Word.
This is followed by the lecture on teaching where the teachers were guided to teach according to the four types of soil as discussed in the Parable of Sower. By providing the answers through the Word accordingly to their life problems, it is anticipated that the students will develop their faith towards the authority of the Bible.
Each lecture was followed by a time of question and answer where the teachers raised issues relating to their personal experiences and challenges in personal study, evangelism and teaching.
It is with hope that following the training, many people will be drawn to commit their lives to Christ and the Kingdom as the teachers resolve to effectively study, evangelize and teach many to know Christ and make Him known.